Emmanuel Family

“In moments of silence, we strived, gained experience, learned, and came to believe that the most direct path to comfort lies in acquiring skills. As change and progress shape our journey, we now embrace this belief with a modern, scientific, practical, and applied approach: ‘we can achieve what we desire.’ I am Emmanuel (Khalifeh), and my journey began forty years ago when I first set foot in a pastry workshop in Iran. It was a labor of love, a love at first sight. I entered the world of sweets, and my confectionery journey continues to this day.”

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Our Core Values

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We care deeply about the impact that our bakery and delivery vehicles have on the planet, and believe in the importance of constantly enhancing Lola’s sustainability in these areas. The values of Sir David Attenborough, namely securing a greener future for future generations, are a source of inspiration and guidance to us and ones that underpin our attitude towards our planet. Check out our approach to the environment and team wellbeing here.


Everything we set out to achieve at Lola’s all starts with our people. We are guided by the value of responsibility to ensure a positive, safe and meaningful experience free from harm for our people and when they come in to work, have fun, and feel comfortable in being themselves. This extends to our suppliers and supply chain too.



Trust is the lifeblood of our business, and our customers relying on us for their celebrations big or small is what keeps us focused and motivated. For us, the trust of our customers always comes first and acts as a shining light for our teams, from our brilliant bakers to our determined delivery drivers. Trust is the magic ingredient at Lola’s, and only with the trust of our customers can we win together.


Since we were founded in 2006, Emmanuel has always been, and continues to be guided by a committed focus towards developing and sustaining products of the absolute highest quality.
In a world where speed and machines are increasingly seen as king, we believe strongly in the power of handmade artistry and creativity. Our brilliant bakers handbake using only the finest ingredients which translates into our iconic Lola’s taste, present in all of our product ranges.

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For us our good ethics are what makes Lola’s a special place to work. Ethics means always committing ourselves to do the right thing for our customers, people, and society, even if that means we stand out! Ethics means caring for our working environment, and showing our people and customers kindness, respect and dignity.